Dr Jones’ books document her pioneering research in Creativity and Transformation. She uses both fiction and non-fiction to make the latest understandings in this field accessible to others. Writing and art are part of her own on-going transformative practices.
Art-Making with Refugees and Survivors: Creative and Transformative Responses to Trauma after Natural Disasters, War and other Crisis.
A guide to understanding how we transform through our creativity.
This book, collectively written with experts in the field, reveals the principles behind healing trauma through the expressive arts. The latest research, and profound stories, collected from around the world, including refugee camps, inner-city ghettos & and rural villages with survivors of poverty, pandemic, fundamentalism, climate change, genocide & tsunami. Arts projects have been successfully deployed to heal trauma, build resilience and empower vulnerable people. This book will appeal to all those who have suffered loss and trauma, as well as artists wishing to understand creativity and deepen their practice, including therapists wishing to include expressive arts into their practices. Useful for funders, NGO’s and NPO’s to understand how to allocate funds and build healing creative projects.
What colleagues are saying about Dr Adnams Jones Book:
DR SHAUN McNIFF : This global spectrum of artworks addressing public and environmental health confirms how art heals everywhere, by transforming afflictions into affirmations of life, all amplified by creating in community.
DR DEBRA KALMANOWITZ : A testament to the power of imagination, the creative process and the arts for individual, community and social healing.
This book has been positively reviewed by:
1: Canadian Review of Art Education (click here)
2: Irish Association of Creative Arts Therapy Journal (click here)
3: Kansas State University and Prairie Press: see Journey to Refuge: Understanding refugees, exploring trauma, best practices for newcomers and schools – free e-book available to anyone to download (click here)
Art Making with Refugees by Sally Adnams Jones is available on Amazon, or to purchase here.
The first in a trilogy of ‘Dr Orwell’ novels.
What does it mean to show up in a female body in this universe? How can we fully live our evolutionary biology and beyond? As a yoga teacher, Dr Jones has long been concerned with the number of female students she has known with body-image issues, as a result of social media pressure and gender stereotypes, which prevent students reaching their full potentials. After collaborative research with General Practitioners, and drawing upon statistics from medical journals, this novel was conceived out of concern for our young women, one third of whom are now officially eating disordered. This is Dr Jones’s response to the Me2 campaign.
This humorous and quirky tale reveals how women and girls can love themselves more, through understanding their magnificent place in the universe. They can heal from comparative thinking, perfectionism and spiritual emptiness; and build resilience by connecting with their innate creativity. Georgia, the feisty protagonist, who is a bright, young blogger and articulate high school graduate interested in cosmology and evolution, and hungry for answers, turns to writing and art on the advice of Dr Orwell, her Expressive Arts Therapist, to relieve herself of boredom, meaninglessness and bulimia. While on a camping trip with her family at a lake in the North American Wilderness, Georgia meets amusing characters, her first love, and even encounters a murder. This engaging book will appeal to all women wishing to heal themselves, connect with their creativity, see a bigger picture, and move into their full power and potential.
Available soon.
Creativity : Living on the Edge of Emergence, a guide to finding the sweet spot, and staying there.
What is creativity? Who has it? Why should we practice it? How do we source it? Access it? Facilitate it? Assess it? Live it? The best of the latest research on creativity from education, psychology, evolutionary spirituality and neuroaesthetics.
Transformation: the Psychology of Becoming your Best Self, mechanisms and practices for a life time of human development
What is transformation? Why should we bother with it? An over view of the understandings of ‘evolving identities’, including ancient Eastern approaches, and the newer Western approaches from Education, Psychology, Evolutionary Spirituality and Neurology.
It has been my joy to explore some of the many ways the arts can be applied for transformation. Here are a few of the ways I have delivered, or researched with others, some of the transformative creative practices that are possible. It is my deepest pleasure to collaborate with pioneering leaders around the world, who are facilitating creative processes in various geographic, restorative, therapeutic and meditative contexts.
Take a listen to the audio files below that explain some of the research I have done.
Listen to Radio Interview #1
Listen to Radio Interview #2
Other Art projects include:
• Art as Cultural Renewal and Minority Voicing: Indigenous totem pole and mask carving with Order of Canada recipient, Simon Charlie, and a group of young survivors of racism, residential school and intergenerational trauma.
• Art as a Meditation and Community: workshop for a Peter Levitt retreat, Zen Teacher and poet, at Saltspring Yoga Centre.
• Art as Therapeutic Self Awareness: Mandala painting in the Jungian depth Psychology tradition, with Dr Susan Breidal and Jane Johnston.
• Art as Public Health and Poverty Alleviation: Tapestry making in South Africa, with survivors of the HIV/AIDS pandemic with Dr Carol Baker Hofmeyr, and the Keiskamma Trust.
• Art as Cultural Heritage and Urban Identity: Large scale painted mural design for urban renewal of a city centre in Canada.
• Art as Urban and Commercial Landscape and the Honouring of Flora and Fauna: Large-scale, ceramic and glass mosaic installation in Australia, with architect Jane Du Rand.
• Art as Therapeutic Joy and Healing of Trauma for Dislocated and Dispossessed Populations: Mural painting and musical instrument construction in Refugee camps in the Middle East, with survivors of climate change and ethnic fundamentalism, with Max Levi Frieder, and Artolution.
• Art as Restoration, Reconciliation and Urban Renewal: Mosaic mural, and urban revitalization installation in Kenya, Rwanda and inner city America, with survivors of poverty, gang violence, addiction and genocide, with Lily Yeh, of the Barefoot Artists Organization.
• Art as Restorative Play, and Healing through Imagination from Ethnic Cleansing and Religious Fundamentalism: Contemplative art and theatre in Sri Lanka with survivors of civil war and tsunami, with Paul Hogan, of the Butterfly Peace Garden
• Art as Transformative Education and Access to Creativity: Ongoing classes in art education at University and College level
Art as Activism and Visual Voicing: Ongoing participation in Exhibitions, that address landscape degradation, species destruction, women’s and minority issues. Corrective art practice within a politics of silencing.